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World Record Set for Largest Dog Yoga Class in Hong Kong

Happiness | Lifestyle

A new world record has been set in Hong Kong for the most number of dogs participating in a dog yoga class, with 270 pups.

The class was 30 minutes long, and consisted of the owners stretching and massaging their dogs in different calming poses in order to help both the owners and dogs relax.


The previous record for largest “doga” (or dog yoga) class was set in 2015 in San Diego, with 265 dogs and owners participating.

One participant in the class, Susan Chan, said “I feel really, really good. It’s kind of a really close relationship with my dog. I like it.”

For Suzette Ackerman, the teacher who led the class, that was the whole point. She wanted it to be an opportunity for owners and dogs to relax and bond, while being a fun and unique stress-relieving activity. “I think it’s important,” she said. “I think today they had fun. And people in Hong Kong are very busy with work. Like 24/7 working. A lot of them have pets, but usually it’s the helpers that take the dogs out for walks.”

Yoga with Pets

While we all love our yoga time, it can be made even more fun with pets. What’s cuter than your dog trying to imitate your Down Dog? And what’s more relaxing than having a purring cat lying next to you (or on you) while you’re in Savasana?

Incorporating your pets into your yoga practice can make it more fun for the both of you, and bring you closer together. So cheers to these owners and their dogs! Maybe we’ll see them try to break their own record next year.

Do you love doing yoga with your pets? Share your stories with us below!

Source: The Independent

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