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The Key To Finding Balance – Part One

Happiness | Lifestyle

When was the last time you actually felt balanced?

It’s a hard question to answer in part because no matter how much we all believe in the importance of achieving or finding balance, there’s something about it that always seems to elude us!

Balance often seems like some kind of health and wellness magic trick, doesn’t it? You can never quite figure out how it works, and if you take your eyes off of it for even a split second…you’ll miss it!

In this final two-part episode, we’ll take a look at how balance shows up in the Ayurvedic picture of wellness, as we dive into another key principle of living Ayurveda, the one that’ll have you grabbing your shoes and heading for the dance floor.

Ayurveda and Our State of Balance

And so Ayurveda teaches us that our natural state is balance, but in that reality, balance isn’t a state at all. Sometimes, it’s a graceful swirl around the dance floor of life and other times it’s more like an awkward slog in the dark.

Getting out of your own way is most often the biggest challenge. Knowing who you are and having the courage to be that, is the key to channeling your inner Fred or Ginger!

In part two of this episode we’ll talk about the OTHER reason that most of us fumble on the dance floor. And we’ll wrap up this series with a few things YOU can do to more often experience yourself as the superstar that you naturally are!

Got Questions?

Remember this series is a conversation! Feel free to share your thoughts, ask questions and let me know where you’re clear or confused!

Office hours are all day everyday, so leave your questions in the comments below, or drop me a line @characaruthers. Oh, and don’t forget to meet back here for part two!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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