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What Are You Eating Today?

Food | Lifestyle

Are you eating whole foods that nourish your body or processed packaged foods full of additives that bog down your body and health? Are you aware of what you’re putting in your body? Do you gobble down nutritive deficient foods because you’re in a hurry and they’re convenient, or simply because it’s what you know and they taste good to you?

Take The Healthy Challenge

What if you have more knowledge on the subject of healthy eating? What if you became more aware of how certain foods made your body feel as opposed to others? Here’s my challenge to you – simply notice. Notice what you’re eating. I’m not asking you to change anything (at least not yet *grin*); I’m asking you to become more aware and really take care of the beautiful body that houses your soul.

Start By Taking Note Of What You Eat

In order for you to become more more aware of what it actually is that you eat, ask yourself a couple of questions, such as:

  • Am I eating fresh fruits and vegetables?
  • Am I eating whole grains?
  • Am I drinking fresh water?
  • Does the majority of my food come from a package or a box?
  • Am I noticing my portion sizes?
  • Do I read the labels of any packaged foods I eat?
  • Am I taking time to really enjoy the eating experience and to really taste and chew my food?
  • Am I eating organic foods free of additives & pesticides?
  • How do you I after eating packaged foods vs. after eating healthful foods?
  • Am I eating emotionally or consciously?
  • What am I eating today?

A Day In the Life Of The Homegrown Hippie

I’m currently having a lima bean, fresh jalapeno & spinach quesadilla on an organic wrap with fresh cherries! So here’s a day in the life of what I eat throughout the day:

  • 09:00 am – 16 oz hot lemon water with cayenne & green tea (I was running late so I combined my lemon water with the green tea)
  • 10:30 am – 2 orange slices & 1/2 Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Cinnamon Raisin English muffin – Plain
  • 01:00 pm – Large Salad: Artisan Purple & Green Lettuce, Romaine, Alfalfa Sprouts, Raw Cabbage, 1/2 Avocado, 1 Carrot, 1 Orange Slice – Homemade Sesame Tahini Dressing (recipe will be posted soon) – 16 oz Cranberry Juice Water after Salad
  • 01:45 pm – 3 Jack’s French Fries (Not the greatest choice they’re Jack’s which means they’re the best in the world in my opinion! I only had 3! And okay, this part is typical!)
  • 02:45 pm – 16oz Dandelion Tea with honey
  • 03:00 pm – Large Bowl of Veggie Soup: Cabbage, White Onion, Green Onion, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Black Beans, Fire Roasted Tomatoes, Broth, Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Basil, and Herbs de Provence
  • 05:30 pm – 6-8 oz Green Shake: Apple, pear, lemon juice, water, kale, parsley, cilantro, celery blended
  • 07:00 pm – Thai Rice Bowl: Brown rice, coconut milk, carrots, red onion, turmeric, cilantro, red pepper
  • 07:30 pm – 16 oz Water
  • 08:30 pm – Another bowl of Thai Rice with a small cup of coffee following with coconut sugar, cardamom & almond milk
  • Snacks: handful pretzels, banana, 1 square organic 50% cacao coconut dark chocolate

So, what are you eating today?

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