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Why You Should Try Out Laughter Yoga

Happiness | Lifestyle

The first thought that came to mind is: "There is such a thing?" But don't be too quick to judge. Laughter Yoga has its benefits and, when done correctly – that is, not in front of a person's home so as to warrant a complaint and then a restraining order– could be really good for you!

Laughter Yoga Makes You Happy

The way Laughter Yoga America puts it, laughter yoga has a body-mind approach to laughter. One laughs not as a result of happiness, but as a cause of happiness. "Laughter Yoga…teaches you emotional resilience: how to make happiness a choice and not a consequence, and how to respond positively even in the face of adversity," states their website.

Laughter Yoga Makes You Fit

Because laughter yoga classes last from anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes, participants get the opportunity to exercise their diaphragm in a way they wouldn't otherwise be able to. They also learn breathing techniques that help increase lung capacity, and engage in aggressive, jerky breathing exercises that engage and develop the throat muscles. Additionally, these exercises help cleanse the respiratory passages–a complex thing to do, it sounds, though now in a fun–and funny!–way.

Laughter Yoga Clears Your Mind

Laughter in laughter yoga classes begin with simply that: laughter. There is no prompt, and so the laughter grows on an unconditional, though perhaps contagious, basis. It is thus interesting to note that, while laughter yoga technically isolates the mind from your bodily actions (laughing), it is a highly beneficial exercise for your head: a lot of scientific studies have proven how laughter, and the happiness it results in, is a great source of mental healing. Laughing helps manage one's emotions and reactions to stress; it also keeps one resilient. How's that for a full mind-body workout?

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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