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Hilarious Tips on How to Be More Addicted to Your Phone (VIDEO)

Happiness | Lifestyle

Do you feel like you’re constantly, obsessively checking your phone? Every time you get a notification from one of the many apps you have, do you compulsively reach for your phone because you just “have” to check who sent a message or what is happening?

If you answered yes, then there’s a big chance you’re addicted to your phone. It’s becoming a problem for many people today, but not for spiritual guru JP Sears. In this hilarious video, JP’s sarcasm is once again on point as he talks about how you can and should check your phone more, because “when you’re encountering something wonderful, it can’t bring you joy unless you hold your phone between you and it…to transfer it to your social media.”

So go ahead, grab your phone and cling onto it for dear life. As JP says, “there’s a whole world inside your phone. Don’t let it pass you by.” Enjoy!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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